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Am 09.10.2024 erhielten wir durch die IHK-Präsidentin & den IHK-Bildungschef den Pokal, eine Urkunde sowie ein Preisgeld zur Anerkennung als „Top-Ausbildungsbetrieb 2024“ überreicht – und dies bereits zum wiederholten Male!

Herzlichen Dank für diese Wertschätzung.

HVLE fair exhibitor Innotrans 2022 - City Hall B Cube Berlin / Stand 310

Visit us at the InnoTrans trade fair in Berlin
from 20 - 23/09/2022, at the joint
the capital region of Berlin - Brandenburg
City Hall B Cube Berlin / Stand 310

Internship Seal of Approval 2020 - Blankenburg branch office

The Blankenburg branch of Havelländische Eisenbahn AG was awarded the Internship Seal of Approval 2020 by the district of Harz (Saxony-Anhalt) for its excellent commitment to securing (young) skilled workers.

2020 Praktikumssiegel_-_Niederlassung_Blankenburg_-_Land_Sachsen_-_Anhalt.pdf

Winner of the Training Award 2020

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

The annual Training Award, an initiative of the Brandenburg Training Consensus, is under the patronage of Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke.
Due to the Corona pandemic, this was the first time the prize was awarded without direct contact. Many companies and businesses have had to face and master the challenges of the Corona pandemic on a daily basis. This commitment was acknowledged by the Labour Minister, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Steinbach, in his video message:

The eleven award winners are characterised by the outstanding quality and continuity of their training, their use of innovative training elements, their ability to provide scope in helping to shape digital transformation processes, their engagement in voluntary work and support of disadvantaged young people, including people with migration backgrounds, and their creation of training positions for young people with disabilities.

The laudatory speech and certificate can also be seen in the attached PDF.

The award was accompanied by EUR 1,000 prize money. In accordance with Mr. Franke's wish, the Executive Board donated the full amount of this prize money to the children's project "Die Arche" in Berlin-Hellersdorf.


Hear the signal, Berlin!

The first on-rail demonstration - HVLE was part of this special journey.

The 20 locomotives started around 11:20 a.m. in Wustermark and then travelled via Spandau, Charlottenburg and Zoo to Berlin Central Station. Afterwards, the train continued via Friedrichstrasse, Alexanderplatz and Ostbahnhof to Grünau, where it changed direction.

The train then continued on Berlin's inner ring via Südkreuz to Westhafen. A press conference was held there at around 2pm. According to Mr Westenberger (Managing Director of the Network of European Railways), the aim of the demonstration was as follows:

"With our special journey, we are taking three messages to the government. First: There are many freight railways, and we are all hard-working and committed.
Second, with regard to the planned aid during the Corona crisis, the federal government must not treat Deutsche Bahn competitors worse than how they treat Deutsche Bahn itself.
Third, more political pressure is required to increase rail transport in order to relieve road congestion from freight."

Rail & Logistics Center Wustermark (RLCW) to receive funding for the expansion of the Wustermark marshalling yard

On 21 July 2020, Minister Beermann from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning of the State of Brandenburg committed 2.8 million euros to the Rail & Logistics Center Wustermark to be used for the expansion of the Wustermark marshalling yard.

As an investment for the future, in the next three years RLCW will extend 6 of the sidings group tracks (60 - 65) to the European standard train length of 750m. The tracks will be integrated into an electronic interlocking to be built specifically for this purpose and will be covered by an overhead line.

The Wustermark marshalling yard will thus become even more attractive to international customers. The RLCW, in cooperation with the state of Brandenburg, the Havelland district and the municipality of Wustermark, is taking the leading role in making a contribution to improving the rail infrastructure in the state of Brandenburg and the greater Berlin area. This will create improved conditions for shifting even more traffic onto the rails and also implement elements of the Federal Government's master plan for rail freight transport.

IMG 5996


Railway systems – operator change

Havelländische Eisenbahn AG will take over the operation of the

Haldensleben Abzw. Florastraße – km 9,940 and

Süplingen - Dönstedt

The takeover of operations took place on 10 May 2020 at 12:00 pm.

Contact information:

Train manager            Tel.: Nr. +49 (0) 151 1515 9915

Mail:                    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To receive the timetable:

Mail:                    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Additional documents which are relevant to the company will soon be available online here.

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